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Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday.

With all the hustle and bustle of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days focused on sales and big profits for retailers everywhere, why not wait until Giving Tuesday to give back to local causes that are important to you?

Giving Tuesday will be on November 28th this year. According to, it is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. All of the money Washington Literacy Center raises on Giving Tuesday will go toward sponsoring a student for a trimester. Donor and sponsor support help WLC educate, inform, and raise awareness about the literacy rate in the District. Where lives change.

$5,000 pays for a student for one trimester. Make the pledge today that you will donate $50 to Washington Literacy Center on November 28th. #GivingAdultLiteracy #GiveALit with Washington Literacy Center and truly make a difference this holiday season.

There are three easy ways to give:

  1. By Text. Text 501-55 and type keyword: washlit . Enter donation amount.

  2. Online. Visit our website,, and donate.

  3. By check. Make the check payable to Washington Literacy Center and mail to: Washington Literacy Center, 1816 12th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

More details to follow soon.

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