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WLC Takes It On The Road: Workshops & Conferences

DC Public Library

In coordination with the DC Public Library, who recently hosted an adult literacy workshop at the Cleveland Park location, WLC instructors Dr. Robin Barr and Tesa Leon taught a lesson called Table This!: Games and Activities with Tables. Literacy is not just reading - adults are often required to fill out timesheets and use an array of visual information for jobs, tests, and daily life. The workshop included games and activities that helped teach easy ways to organize information.


ProLiteracy Conference on Adult Education -

San Diego, CA

WLC Senior Instructor Tesa Leon recently participated in a panel discussion called Providing ESL Services in a Changing Immigrant Environment which explored issues on this timely topic, including:

  • Recruiting students who are fearful of accessing community services

  • Combating incorrect information and disinformation

  • Providing a learning space where students feel safe and valued

  • Providing students with facts about legislative initiatives and legal advice

  • Serving and reporting data on various types of immigrants and refugees

  • Dealing with trauma when a learner encounters ICE or other public immigration agency

  • Changing attitudes about immigrants in your community


2019 Washington, D.C. Area Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (WATESOL) Fall Conference

On October 5th, WLC Senior Instructor Dr. Robin Barr will present Tables, Directions, and Maps, Oh My!: Scaffolding Functional Literacy

Although tests and textbooks assume adults already have functional literacy skills (e.g, reading maps, understanding tables, interpreting text organization), many adult ELLs don’t know English conventions of visual literacy. Workshop participants will work through a series of activities, like communicative games and puzzles, to learn techniques for teaching these skills.

Registration is open:

Location: Pryzbyla Center at Catholic University (620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064)

Nearest Metro: Brookland/CUA Metro station

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