The Washington Literacy Center is Excited to Introduce ‘Book of the Month’ and Give-a-Away!

The Washington Literacy Center is excited to introduce ‘Book of the Month’. Members of our staff will be selecting a new or recently published title that relates to our mission of adult literacy.
WLC President and CEO Jimmie Williams has selected as the November Book of the Month: ‘The Stolen Year: How Covid Changed Children's Lives, and Where We Go Now’, an extensive and insightful book by Anya Kamenetz that exposes a long-running indifference to the plight of children and families in American life and calls for a reckoning.

We've got a signed copy of 'The Stolen Year' to giveaway! Just tag a friend on one of our social media pages in the comment section and you will go into the drawing - we'll select a winner at midday on Friday, November 11th. Prize must be collected from our great partners at Politics and Prose Bookstore, the Connecticut Ave store.